CS5: Graphs I


What is a graph?

A series of nodes (vertices/vertexes/verts), usually labeled, and connected.

The nodes can have 1 or more neighbors Nodes can be isolated and not connected to other nodes

Can be directional, can be bi-directional

Arrows mean one-way (though you can have a connection one direction and one connection the other)

Connections can be weighted (have values)

Graphs can represent paths, markov chains, networks, epidemiology

Google directions has some version of nodes and weighted nodes

Looking at a city, there are intersections in the city

Some of the streets are one-way and others are two-way

Cyclic graphs:

Any time you have the ability to form a cycle where you revisit the same node.

Meaning of weight is dependent on the type of graph

Acyclyic graphs:

No revisiting of nodes


Class for Node: Parents Edges Values Children Max edges .... all kinds of program specific stuff Edge: Weights What we're connected to Directions


Triad Good Fast Cheap

Two schools of thought to keep track of edges:

  1. Have each node store a list of what it is connected to:
Edge Class
    ... var connection
    ... var weight
    A -> B
    B -> C
    C -> B, D
    D -> Null


    .. A, B, C, D
    A 0, 1, 0, 0
    B 0, 0, 1, 0
    C 0, 1, 0, 1
    D 0, 0, 0, 0

