Programming Foundations:



Algorithm Characteristics:

Algorithm complexity

Space complexity - How much memory does it require?

Time complexity - How much time does it take to compute?

Inputs and output - What does the algorithm accept? What does it return?


  • serial (sequential)
  • parallel (breaks dataset into pieces and works on them simultaneously)
  • exact (produces a known predictable answer)
  • approximate (tries to find answer that may or may not be exact)
  • deterministic (executes each step with an exact decision)
  • non-deterministic (attempts to get to solution through successive guesses that get better over time)

Common Algorithms

Search - Find specific data in a structure

Sorting - Take dataset and put it in order

Computational algorithms - Given a set of data, calculate another (ex: is a given number prime?)

Collection algorithms - Work with collections of data (count specific items, navigate among data elements, filter out unwanted data, etc.)

Euclid's Algorithm

Find the greatest common denominator of two integers (largest integer that divides both with no remainder):

Example: GCD of 20 and 8 is 4 (because 8 / 4 is 2 and 20 / 4 is 5)

  1. For two integers a and b, where a > b, divide a by b
  2. If the remainder, r, is 0, then stop - GCD is b.
  3. Otherwise, set a to b, b to r, and repeat at step 1 until r is 0.

GCD (20, 8) | a | b | r | |----|---|---| | 20 | 8 | 4 | | 8 | 4 | 0 |

Find the greatest common denominator of two numbers using Euclid's algorithm

def gcd(a, b):
    while (b != 0):
        t = a
        a = b
        b = t % b

    return a

Try out the function with a few examples

print(gcd(60, 96)) // should be 12
print(gcd(20, 8)) // should be 4

Understanding Algorithm Performance

Measure how an algorithm responds to dataset size Big-O Notation:

  • Classifies performance as the input size grows
  • "O" indicates the order of operation: time scale to perform an operation Many algorithms and data structures have more than one O value
  • Inserting data, searching for data, deleting data, etc.

Common Big-O Terms

Notation Description Example
O(1) Constant Time Looking up a single element in an array
O(log n) Logarithmic Finding an item in a sorted array with a binary search
O(n) Linear time Searching an unsorted array for a specific value
O(n log n) Log-linear Complex sorting algorithms like heap sort and merge sort
O(n^2) Quadratic Simple sorting algorithms, such as bubble sort, selection sort, and insertion sort

Data Structures

Data structures are used to organize data so it can be processed

Common Data Structures

  • Arrays
  • Linked lists
  • Stacks and queues
  • Trees
  • Hash tables


Collection of elements identified by index or key Linear set of values Element positions can be calculated using a mathematical expression

  • Allows elements to be accessed in random access fashion Arrays in most languages start index at 0

Array Operations

Calculate item index: O(1) Inserting or deleting item at beginning: O(n) Inserting or deleting item in middle: O(n) Inserting or deleting at the end: O(1)

Linked List

Linear collection of data elements, called nodes Each node has a field that points at the next element in the list Each element can contain data application needs First item in list is called the head Last item has field that points to nothing to indicate it's the end of the list Each item only knows about the next element, unless doubly linked list Doubly-linked lists have references to previous and next Elements can be easily inserted and removed Underlying memory doesn't need to be reorganized Can't do constant-time random item access Item lookup is linear in time complexity

Linked list example

The Node class

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val = None

    def get_data(self):
        return self.val

    def set_data(self, val):
        self.val = val

    def get_next(self):

    def set_next(self, next): = next

The Linked List class

class LinkedList(object):
    def __init__(self, head=None):
        self.head = head
        self.count = 0

    def get_count(self):
        return self.count

    def insert(self, data):
        new_node = Node(data)
        self.head = new_node
        self.count += 1

    def find(self, val):
        item = self.head
        while (item != None):
            if item.get_data() === val:
                return item
                item = item.get_next()
        return None

    def deleteAt(self, index):
        if index > self.count-1:
        if index == 0:
            self.head = self.head.get_next()
            tempIndex = 0;
            node = self.head
            while tempIndex < index - 1:
                node = node.get_next()
                tempIndex += 1
            self.count -= 1

    def dump_list(self):
        tempnode = self.head
        while (tempnode != Node):
            print("Node: ", tempnode.get_date())

Create a linked list and insert some items

itemlist = LinkedList()

Exercise the list

print("Item count: ", itemlist.get_count())
print("Finding item: ", itemlist.find(13))
print("Finding item: ", itemlist.find(78))

Delete an item

print("Item count: ", itemlist.get_count())
print("Finding item: ", itemlist.find(38))

Stacks and Queues

Stack - collection that supports push and pop operations

  • The last item pushed is the first one popped Pushing a value onto the stack is a constant time operation Removing from stack is also constant time

Queue - collection that supports adding and removing

  • First item added is the first item out

Practical Applications


  • Expression processing (like Polish notation)
  • Backtracking: browser and back button, for example


  • Order processing
  • Message processing

Stack Example

Create a new empty list that we'll use as a stack

stack = []

Put items onto the stack


Print the stack contents

print(stack) // [1, 2, 3, 4]

Pop an item off the stack

x = stack.pop()

Queue Example

Python deque is optimized for adding and removing elements from both ends of the collection. from collections import deque

Create an empty deque object that will function as a queue

queue = deque()

Add some items to the queue


Print the queue contents


Pop an item off the front of the queue

x = queue.popleft()

Hash Tables

Form of associative array that maps keys to their associated values using hash function Hash function uses key to compute an index into the slots that are in the hash table and map the key to the value. Ideally, hash function will assign each key to a unique slot in the table where the values are stored. In reality, sometimes there are collisions where two separate keys map to the same slot in the table. In those cases, the hash table needs to have a way of resolving those collisions so the correct value is mapped to the correct key. Most languages and frameworks have hash table data structures figured out for you already


Key-to-value mappings are unique Hash tables are typically very fast


For small datasets, arrays are usually more efficient Hash tables don't order entries in a predictable way

Hash Table Example

Create a hashtable all at once

items1 = dict({"key1": 1, "key2": 2, "key3": "three"})
print(items1) // {'key3': 'three', 'key2': 2, 'key1': 1}

Create a hashtable progressively

items2 = {}
items2["key1"] = 1
items2["key2"] = 2
items2["key3"] = 3
print(items2) // {'key3': 3, 'key2': 2, 'key1': 1}

Try to access a nonexistant key

print(items1["key6"]) // Throws an exception

Replace an item

items2["key2"] = "two"
print(items2) // {'key3': 3, 'key2': 'two', 'key1': 1}

Iterate the keys and values in the dictionary

for key, value in items2.items():
    print("Key: ", key, " value: ", value)
# ('Key: ', 'key3', ' value: ', 3)
# ('Key: ', 'key2', ' value: ', 'two')
# ('Key: ', 'key1', ' value: ', 1)


Recursion is when a function calls itself Recursion

Important things to remember:

Recursive functions need to have a breaking condition

  • This prevents infinite loops and eventual crashes

Each time the function is called, the old arguments are saved

This is called the "call stack"

Recursion Example

function countdown(x) {
    if (x == 0)
        print(x, "...")


def countdown(x):
    if x == 0:
        print(x, "...")

# 5 ...
# 4 ...
# 3 ...
# 2 ...
# 1 ...
# Done!
# foo
# foo
# foo
# foo
# foo
# 2^4 = 2*2*2*2 = 16
def power(num, pwr):
    if pwr == 0:
        return 1
        return num * power(num, pwr-1)

# 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 20 but 0! = 1
def factorial(num):
    if num == 0:
        return 1
        return num * factorial(num - 1)

print("{} to the power of {} is {}".format(5, 3, power(5, 3)))
print("{} to the power of {} is {}".format(1, 5, power(1, 5)))
print("{}! is {}".format(4, factorial(4)))
print("{}! is {}".format(0, factorial(0)))

Console output:
5 to the power of 3 is 125
1 to the power of 5 is 1
4! is 24
0! is 1

Sorting Data

Bubble Sort

Bubble sort compares first two elements to each other to see which is larger.

If the first item is larger than the second, swap

Keep swapping until element in correct place

Go to next index, repeat

Simple to understand and implement

Performance: O(n^2)

  • For loops inside for loops are usually n^2 Other sorting algorithms are generally much better

Not considered a practical solution

Bubble Sort Example

def bubbleSort(dataset):
    # Start with the array length and decrement each time
    for i in range(len(dataset) - 1, 0, -1): // start, stop, step
        for j in range(i):
            if dataset[j] > dataset[j+1]:
                temp = dataset[j]
                dataset[j] = dataset[j+1]
                dataset[j+1] = temp

        print("Current state: ", dataset)

def main():
    list1 = [6, 20, 8, 19, 56, 23, 87, 41, 49, 53]
    print("Result: ", list1)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Output in console:

Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 56, 41, 49, 53, 87]
Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
Current state: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
Result: [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]

Merge Sort

Divide and conquer algorithm

Breaks dataset into individual pieces and merges them

Uses recursion to operate on datasets

Performs well on large sets of data

In general has a performance of O(n log n)


Break arrays down into arrays of 1 element Go through and merge arrays together, maintaining sort

Merge Sort Example

items = [6, 20, 8, 19, 56, 23, 87, 41, 49, 53]

def mergeSort(dataset):
    if len(dataset) > 1:
        mid = len(dataset) // 2
        leftarr = dataset[:mid]
        rightarr = dataset[mid:]

        # Recursively break down the arrays

        # Perform the merges
        i = 0 # index into the left array
        j = 0 # index into the right array
        k = 0 # index into the merged array

        # While both arrays have content
        while i < len(lefarr) and j < len(rightarr):
            if leftarr[i] < rightarr[i]:
                dataset[k] = leftarr[i]
                i += 1
                dataset[k] = rightarr[j]
                j += 1
            k += 1

        while i < len(leftarr):
            dataset[k] = leftarr[i]
            i += 1
            k += 1

        while j < len(rightarr):
            dataset[k] = rightarr[j]
            j += 1
            k += 1

# test the merge sort with data


[6, 20, 8, 19, 56, 23, 87, 41, 49, 53]
[6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]


Divide and conquer algorithm

Also uses recursion

Generally performs better than merge sort, O(n log n)

Operates in place

Worst case is O(n^2) when data is mostly sorted already


Start by picking a pivot position

Start by incrementing the lower index as long as it's lower than the upper index until you find a value larger than the pivot value

On the right side, you increase until you find a value less than the pivot

Swap element at lower index with element at upper index

When indexes meet, that's the split

Split into two arrays - one that's lower than the pivot and one that's larger than pivot

Quick Sort Example

items = [20, 6, 8, 53, 56, 23, 87, 41, 49, 19]

def quickSort(dataset, first, last):
    if first < last:
        # calculate the split point
        pivotIndex = partition(dataset, first, last)

        # now sort the two partitions
        quickSort(dataset, first, pivotIndex-1)
        quickSort(dataset, pivotIndex+1, last)

def partition(datavalues, first, last):
    # choose the first item as the pivot value
    pivotvalue = datavalues[first]
    # establish the upper and lower indexes
    lower = first + 1
    upper = last

    # start searching for the crossing point
    done = False
    while not done:
        # advance the lower index
        while lower <= upper and datavalues[lower] <= pivotvalue:
            lower += 1
        # advance the upper index
        while datavalues[upper] >= pivotvalue and upper >= lower:
            upper -= 1

        # if the two indexes cross, we found the split point
        if upper < lower:
            done = True
        # otherwise, swap
            temp = datavalues[lower]
            datavalues[lower] = datavalues[upper]
            datavalues[upper] = temp

    # when the split point is found, exchange the pivot value
    temp = datavalues[first]
    datavalues[first] = datavalues[upper]
    datavalues[upper] = temp

    # return the split point index
    return upper

quickSort(items, 0, len(items)-1)


[20, 6, 8, 53, 56, 23, 87, 41, 49, 19]
[6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]

Searching for data in an unordered list (Linear Search)

# declare a list of values to operate on
items = [6, 20, 8, 19, 56, 23, 87, 41, 49, 53]

def find_item(item, itemlist):
    for i in range(0, len(itemlist)):
        if item == itemlist[i]:
            return i

    return None

print(find_item(87, items))
print(find_item(250, items))

Searching an Ordered List (Binary Search)

To perform binary search:

  • Calculate midpoint of list rounded down
  • Check if value we're searching for is at the midpoint
  • If not:

    • If number at midpoint is lower than the value searching for, can ignore indexes following it
    • Advance upper index to midpoint, calculate new midpoint
    • If number at midpoint is higher than the value searching for, can ignore indexes preceding it
    • Advance lower index to midpoint, calculate new midpoint

Performance: O(log n)


items = [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]

def binarysearch(item, itemlist):
    # get the list size
    listsize = len(itemlist) - 1
    # start at the two ends of the list
    lowerIndex = 0
    upperIndex = listsize

    while lowerIndex <= upperIndex:
        # calculate the midpoint
        midPoint = (lowerIndex + upperIndex) // 2

        # if item found, return the index
        if itemList[midPoint] == item:
            return midPoint

        # otherwise, calculate new midpoint
        if item > itemList[midPoint]:
            lowerIndex = midPoint + 1
            upperIndex = midPoint - 1

    if lowerIndex > upperIndex:
        return None

print(binarysearch(23, items))
print(binarysearch(87, items))
print(binarysearch(250, items))



Example to determine if a list is sorted

items1 = [6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 41, 49, 53, 56, 87]
items2 = [6, 20, 8, 19, 56, 23, 87, 41, 49, 53]

def is_sorted(itemlis):
    # using the brute force method
    for i in range(0, len(itemlist)-1):
        if (itemlist[i] > itemlist[i+1]):
            return False

    return True




Python Comprehension version

def is_sorted(itemlist):
    return all(itemlis[i] <= itemlist[i+1] for i in range(length(itemlist)-1))

Filter with Hash Table Example O(n)

# define a set of items that we want to reduce duplicates
items = ["apple", "pear", "orange",
"banana", "apple", "orange", "apple",
"pear", "banana", "orange", "apple",
"kiwi", "pear", "apple", "orange"]

# createa  hashtable to perform a filter
filter = dict()

# loop over each item and add to the hashtable
for key in items:
    filter[key] = 0

# create a set from the resulting keys in the hashtable
result = set(filter.keys())

Value Counting with Hash Table O(n)

# define a set of items that we want to count
items = ["apple", "pear", "orange",
"banana", "apple", "orange", "apple",
"pear", "banana", "orange", "apple",
"kiwi", "pear", "apple", "orange"]

# create a hashtable object to hold the items and counts
counter = dict()

# iterate over each item and increment the count for each one
for item in items:
    if (item in counter.keys()):
        coutner[item] += 1
        counter[item] = 1

# print results


{'apple': 5, 'pear': 3, 'orange: 4, 'banana': 2, 'kiwi': 1}

Find maximum value with recursion

# declare a list of values to operate on
items = [6, 20, 8, 19, 56, 23, 87, 41, 49, 53]

def find_max(items):
    # breaking condition: last item in list? return it
    if len(items) == 1:
        return items[0]

    # otherwise get the first item and call function again
    # to operate on the rest of the list
    op1 = items[0]
    op2 = find_max(items[1:])

    # perform the comparison when we're down to just two
    if op1 > op2:
        return op1
        return op2

# test the function
print(find_max(items)) // 87